Amrit Sagar Charitable Trust
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Q. What are your activities ?
A. With their main focus on underprivileged children, ASCT encourages education for girls, bright boys and destitutes. ASCT pays their full school expenses or gives them partial help like getting them books, uniforms, shoes, craft material, sports requirements. Has supplied books for school libraries and put up four class rooms with two toilets for a school in Kodihalli, Indiranagar.
To bring laughter and smile on the faces of children, ASCT arranges picnics, day outings for marginalised children. They have organised a meal out for destitutes and blind children, have given away gift items, clothes and shoes to children on special festive occasions.

Through our Youth Welfare Scheme we help to find jobs for them, advance loans to those who wish to pursue higher education, and help a few needy boys learn driving or gardening to get fruitfully occupied.

For upliftment of women ASCT gives soft loans to deserving women to start small business ventures. We also encourage them to learn an occupation like tailoring or cooking. We give money to help them get cooking gas connection for their homes, redo the roof of their homes, or meet emergency medical needs.

Q. Is your trust registered ?
A. Yes. As a charitable trust - No. : 79 / 2000 - 2001

Q. Who funds the projects you are working on ?
A. Primary help comes from Daya Gopal Trust of U.S.A. and there are a few service minded NRI's who help. Funding also comes from Indian friends and contacts and the trustees as well chip in towards welfare activities.

Q. To whom does one send contributions ?
A. Directly to the Trust. Cheques/Demand drafts should be in the name of AMRIT SAGAR CHARITABLE TRUST, and sent to one of the trustees.

Q. Can I give old clothes, toys, utensils, etc. ?
A. No. Our belief is the underprivileged should be helped with respect and dignity, the way we would like to be treated.

Q. Can I see ASCT sponsored activities and projects ?
A. Yes, by coordinating with one of the trustees.

Q. In what ways can I help ?
  • Offer to cover part of a project or sponsor a full project of ASCT.
  • Educate girl child from high school through college.
  • Support the school fee for one child or for a certain number of students at the learning centre for a full academic year.
  • Provide money to buy books, uniforms or shoes for a certain number of school children.
  • Help with finances to build classrooms, to renovate a school building or donate new school furniture or books for the library.
  • Bear the expenses for picnics, meals and clothes of poor children or take care of the expenses for emergency operations or hospitalization of a child sponsored by ASCT.
  • Pay for routine health care of a certain number of poor children.
  • Offer volunteer service by taking free tuition or teaching a craft for ASCT helped students.
  • Helping in our Health Counsling and Medical checkup camps for women and children.
  • Routing, sale of items crafted by our women students in the 'Learn and Earn' project.
  • Offer small soft loans to poor women to start mini business ventures.

You can sponsor one or more:

ASCTMA - ASCT Merit Award
ASCTS - ASCT Scholarships
ASCTSEP - ASCT Self Employment Plans
ASCTAF - ASCT Art Fellowship
ASCTHEL - ASCT Higher Education Loans

Buy a painting from ASCT, the proceeds will be earmarked for a project.